Welcome - Icebreaker game: Entrepreneur Quiz: Should you start a Business?
Business Pitches - 4 to 5 new business owners give their pitch Audience votes on best pitch. Winner gets a prize!
Presentation on Developing a Business Plan.
Break out into groups Groups of 4 to 5: Come up with a business idea and plan as a group.
Pitch your group's idea & everyone votes at the end which group is the best.
The group who wins get a prize for each individual person!
5 people will be available to Pitch/promote their current business in a shark tank style and we will choose the best. Anyone who RSVP’s business pitches must email president@ypminneapolis.org, socailnetworking@ypminneaolis.org & thatstheirdream@gmail.com with their pitch/business to be confirmed. Please RSVP as entrepreneur for this option.
All other attendees please RSVP as attendee.
RSVP Here: https://www.memberplanet.com/events/ypm/sharktank